Like all the Threes, the Three of Wands represents a foundation, specifically that which we build all our dreams upon. Because Wands are such an intangible suit, this tends to speak of our vision for our goals and what it looks like if we should reach them. Simply put, it’s difficult to make progress when one is wandering aimlessly or has a vague idea of what success would even look like; how can you break down the steps necessary to reach your dreams if you don’t even know what you’re dreaming of?
The Page of Cups combines Earth and Water to form a reliable, imaginative, intuitive, and tender energy. I see this Page being very open to receiving messages and following inspiration. In the RWS depiction, they hold a cup with a fish, representing creativity. How fitting is fisherman Kim Seokjin as our Page of Cups?! Jin’s childlike playfulness and love for fishing led to the banger SUPER TUNA, which has resonated with children and adults alike. I love him as a reminder to let ourselves dream freely and share joy!
Like all the Fours, the Four of Wands represents a natural pause. It’s a moment to breathe, to reflect, and appreciate your efforts thus far. Let’s face it - starting a new project or journey takes a lot of work and energy. It’s relatively easy to come up with new ideas and passing inspiration, but actually finding the motivation to put them into action is a feat in and of itself.
It may surprise people, but Death is one of my absolute favorite cards in the tarot deck. There’s been a great deal of fear and superstition created around this card by pop culture and media - how many times have we seen an occult-inclined show where someone pulls the Death card and has their doom foretold?
The image of the 3 of Swords is perhaps one of the most striking in traditional decks. We see a heart pierced through by three swords against a rainy background – not the most comforting imagery. And it is a challenging card, but it’s no omen of doom.
Aces in the tarot represent an invitation to receive, to open ourselves up, to start a new beginning. For the Ace of Cup, our cup is overflowing, bursting forward with feelings of abundance, love, joy, and euphoria. I personally see it as the feeling you get when you don't know the destination, but you don't care because you trust yourself. You know you are inherently worthy to love and receive love. The Ace of Cups marks the journey to indulge in creative time, nurturing our bodies, and seeking comforts and joy of any scale.
No journey is ever completely smooth sailing, and Fives represent one of the most difficult points in any of the suits’ cycles, a moment of conflict, frustration, and tension. In the case of the Five of Wands, it’s a conflict of vision that can manifest in a number of ways - your goals not aligning with the goals or opinions of those around you. Your vision for what you want to create being out of sync with the reality of what you can currently achieve. Your own mind being pulled in multiple directions or being undermined by self-doubt, lack of focus, or any other internal demons that rise up to tangle the metaphorical bicycle spokes of your motivation.