The Wheel of Fortune as interpreted by Kat Fukui & Natasha V.

Whenever I draw The Wheel of Fortune for myself or others, I find that it’s usually this invitation to check where we’ve tightened our grip to avoid the negative. Where we’re clenched, where we’re hoping to stay in control of flawless outcomes. We want to seize the wheel and control its direction, rhythm, and velocity so that we don’t get hurt. 

But constantly hunching over at the wheel isn’t sustainable for our nervous system or our growth. We have to surrender to the unknowing, even if it means riding through turbulent and painful times. Won’t we miss out on deep healing or beautiful opportunities around us if we’re always trying to calibrate the wheel to our ideals of perfection? Hobi’s Outro: Ego as an expression is such a lovely invitation to take a step back from the wheel, dance it out, and show up to the present just as we are.  

Artist’s Interpretation of The Wheel of Fortune by @dasmyego

Cards like The Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, The Devil – it’s easy to see these as bad omens.  When I started studying tarot, I’d pull any of those cards and automatically feel doomed.  waxwing.tarot told me about this card – “accept the things you can and can’t change.” Association led me straight to the Serenity Prayer, a prayer turned affirmation for many 12-Step programs:

“God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.”

How do we empower the cards instead of allowing the cards to bring us down? How do we flip the paradigm?

Outro: Ego is one of my favorite songs. In this song jhope talks about their journey, reflecting on the good and bad times and knowing there will be good and bad in the future, but what’s important is the present.  “Just trust myself.”  I wanted this card to show the courage that it takes to be present *in* the present even as the wheel turns.


Happy Birthday j-hope!
